The Glastenbury* Glass Factory Company 1816-1827/33 The Glastenbury Glass Factory Company was established when there was a shortage of glass imports during the War of 1812. It continued operating until 1827 or 1833. As originally described, it was "Wassuc on the road to Colchester," and produced utilitarian bottles, snuff bottles in half- and one-pound sizes, inkstands, and "Pitkin" flasks. Glastenbury products are known for their free-blown, pattern-molded and mold-blown green glass. Nothing remains today of the glassworks. However in 1963, just before the construction of Route 2, Kenneth Wilson from Old Sturbridge Village, conducted an excavation on the site. Many fragments from the Glass Factory were dug up, and are on exhibit at Glastonbury Historical Society museum as well as at Old Sturbridge Village (O.S.V.), and the Connecticut Historical Society. The following photos were taken at the Glastonbury Historical Society by Susan Barlow. We are grateful to Glastonbury for their donation of shards and slag to the collection of the Museum of Connecticut Glass.